Chapter 1. Railway Development in Victoria to 1860
Chapter 2. Thomas Higinbotham Takes Over 1867-1867
Chapter 3. Higinbotham versus Parliament 1868-1871
Chapter 4. Light Lines Locomotives and Protection 1870-1880
Chapter 5. Higinbotham and John Woods 1873-1880
Chapter 6. Administration Under Elsdon and Bent 1880-1883
Chapter 7. The Great Engineering Issue – Stopping Trains 1877-1883
Chapter 8. The Federal Vision and Management Reform 1882-1884
Chapter 9. Shaping Things to Come – The ‘Octopus Act’ 1884
Chapter 10. Speight’s New Broom and the Adelaide Line 1884-1887
Chapter 11. Building the ‘New Works’ and New Lines 1885-1892
Chapter 12. New Blood New Initiatives 1886-1890
Chapter 13. Cutting Down Tall Poppies 1890-1892
Chapter 14. Depression 1891-1895
Chapter 15. Mathieson and Recovery 1895-1898
Chapter 16. Expansion, Federation & the Royal Visit 1899-1901
Chapter 17. The Enginemens’ Strike, Bent & Thomas Tait